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vid-19 Patient Protocol


We're in this together!


We will ask you the “Covid-19 Symptom Checker” questions:


Any fever over 100 degrees?

Exposure to anyone with symptoms or diagnosed w COVID 19?

Muscle aches?

Loss of taste/smell?


Patients are asked to provide their own masks and wear them appropriately while in the office.              Upon arrival, if they are not wearing a mask our staff will ask you to put one on.


Once in the office, we ask that patients either wash their hands or use provided hand sanitizer then be escorted directly to begin their examination. Before starting our assistant will wash and glove remain at reasonable distance from you.


We use our new e-invoice system for those not able to make it to the office.


We are scheduling based on need and appointments will be scheduled as such.  It does not mean we won’t help your needs, it means we will try our best to help with current conditions we face.


Please remember, we are in the same boat as you are!  We are reviewing and taking every necessary precaution we can and are trying our very best to practice in a safe and healthy manner.  We realize that it will be a different experience than you're accustomed to and based on the CDC, WHO and the Michigan Optometric Association we are making informed and practical decisions that promote safety during this time.  We thank you for your patience and remember these protocols may change and we'll continue to do our best with the available resources. 


See you soon!


Drs. Smarch and Schnurer and Team







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